- While engaging in an afternoon of mindless cartoon viewing with my daughter, I noticed that toy companies are attempting to extol the virtues of tinier and tinier toys. All these teeny weenie figures! I often lose my full size truck in the mall....er...airport parking lot, so how can little kids be expected to keep track of vitamin sized toys? You can collect (hoard) all 590 of them! Microscope not included.
- Went to my daughter's school talent show. Saw 6 year olds dancing to "Material Girl" swinging around shopping bags on stage. Ah....get 'em while they're young.
- Had lunch with some friends who admitted they enjoy Antiques Roadshow and Storage Wars. I paused, thinking about how AR has managed to convince nearly everyone that the stuff in grandpa's attic is worth far more than it actually is. Trust me folks, the odds are slim that the old parchment document you found is a lost copy of the Declaration of Independence. It looks old because that's how it was manufactured to look. As for that little word at the lower bottom? It says "Copy." Missed that one 'eh? As for Storage Wars....it took some convincing but I think I've finally got them to understand that you don't typically find a Delorean behind some old computer monitors and a ratty 1960's sleeper sofa. Oh...and a camera crew just happened to be there.
- Actually watched an episode of Hoarders - Buried Alive...just to see... Now I understand why people slow down for an accident. I ended up watching four episodes. I'm so ashamed. Truthfully though, watching it is a good way to entice anyone to get rid of stuff, plus it keeps the weight off. I was nauseous just thinking about that much junk....and could you imagine the smell.....? Not interested in eating for awhile.
- So Apple came out with an iPad 3....That pretty much makes the iPad 1 a boat anchor worth about 50 bucks. Time elapsed from cutting edge to obsolescence:...about 18 months. My grandmother was proud that she had her sewing machine since 1944. Now nothing makes it through more than 6 seasons before its garbage. Way back in the day...it was only junk when it stopped working...and that condition only occurred after multiple repair attempts with tape, screws, paper clips and odd pieces of metal. "Junk" meant dead, unfixable, absolutely no hope for resurrection. Even then, it might be stashed or salvaged in case the remaining usable parts could be used on another item that needed repair. Not anymore. Even if it works fine, but is outdated, its junk. Especially if it uses software that is "no longer supported." Operational ability has nothing to do with it. The manufacturer decides when it needs to be pitched. What's wrong with that plan?
- My daughter came to work with me and observed that I was using a (quite dependable) Okidata dot-matrix printer. "What's THAT?!!!" she asked incredulously...as if she we're looking at a prehistoric dinosaur skeleton. I had to explain to her that a dot-matrix printer was from before she was born! "Wow...that's totally ancient!" I rolled my eyes.
- An "A" for effort.....I had two people this past week attempt to sell me coins that are currently in circulation. Yes, those gold dollars look cool and different, but....they aren't real gold AND you can currently trade them anywhere for exactly one dollar's worth of goods. Why are you looking at me strangely when I tell you I won't give you $5 each for them? Yes....you THOUGHT they might be worth something...and they are. One dollar. Same goes for state quarters. They are absolutely worth something. Twenty five cents. Gotta love the spirit of anyone who wants to profit off pocket change.
- The Gift of Prophecy.....I can predict with pretty good certainty that your house will have one of these: A George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grilling Machine or some variant of it.... If you like to fish, you will have a Big Mouth Billy Bass...that plastic mounted fish that sings when you press a button. It's in the garage or attic currently. If you don't have one, you used to. Am I right?
- My daughter is still playing Animal Jam. She now owns an entire city but still hasn't achieved "Epic Den" status. It is strangely, always, just beyond reach. Hmmm.
Ah...another week...just when I thought I had seen everything, another Monday looms around the corner with the promise of new, exciting things for me to write about. Have a great week!
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We are liiiiving in a Material World and I am a Material Girl!!!! |